Full Circle Members in Champlain Consort!

Two members of our group, Linda and Mary Ann, also play with The Champlain Consort, an early music group that uses many unusual and ancient instruments. 

The Consort performed Saturday evening, October 20, at the Richmond Public Library, and the other three members of Full Circle were on hand to admire and applaud.

The members of The Champlain Consort are:
Chapin Kaynor

Jim Wanner

Barbara Wanner

Herb Schroeder

Mary Ann Samuels, Linda Rodd

Instruments used in the performance were popular during the European Renaissance and included several that aren't widely used today, such as sackbuts, cornetto, crumhorn, cornamuse, and kortholt.

There were also seven sizes of recorders, from a tiny sopranino to a contrabass, as well as a ... 

viola da gamba  

and percussion including tambourine, drum, goat's toenails and "frogs" (wooden rasps).

The program was titled A Shakespearean Halloween and featured music that was used, or might have been used, in Shakespeare's plays as well as music with a Halloween theme. There were tunes about satyrs, fairies, witches and dragons, as well as a tragic lament attributed to Anne Boleyn.

For one piece, the ensemble got into the Halloween spirit as they chanted the witches' lines from Hamlet.

Double, double, toil and trouble!
Fire burn
and cauldron bubble!

After the performance, audience members asked questions about the instruments and the performers demonstrated.

The Champlain Consort will perform the same program in St. Paul's Cathedral in Burlington on Tuesday October 30 at noon. Go and enjoy!!
